Saturday, March 21, 2009

Your Astrological Sign May Not Be What You Think It Is
Why your newspaper horoscope can't possibly be right.

He Never Forgets: Meet the Super-Memory Man
Bob Patrella remembers everything. He has an amazing super-autobiographical memory and is a subject of a super memory study at UCLA.

Simple Filter Delivers Clean, Safe Drinking Water, Potentially To Millions
As an efficient, inexpensive, low-tech way to treat water, new research could bring clean, safe drinking water to potentially millions upon millions of people.

Could a Dose of Ether Contain the Secret to Consciousness?
Researchers may soon be able to measure consciousness as well as we can measure a person's temperature. Visit Discover Magazine to read this article and other exclusive science and technology news stories.

New Software Helps Track Endangered Tigers
Software helps scientists identify and track endangered tigers in Asia.

What If Water From The Sky Didn't Belong To Everyone?

Bat Hung On For a Ride Into Space
A small bat that was spotted blasting off with the space shuttle Sunday and clinging to the back side of Discovery's external fuel tank apparently held on throughout the launch.