Thursday, March 5, 2009
Huge gamma-ray blast spotted 12.2 bln light-years from earth
The US space agency's Fermi telescope has detected a massive explosion in space which scientists say is the biggest gamma-ray burst ever detected
Compound may block HIV infection
US researchers identify a compound that can stop monkeys being infected with a primate version of HIV.
Mars Life? Computer Analysis Hints At Water – And Life – Under Olympus Mons
The Martian volcano Olympus Mons is about three times the height of Mount Everest, but it's the small details that astronomers are looking at in thinking about whether the Red Planet ever had -- or still supports -- life.
Earth's Highest Known Microbial Systems Fueled By Volcanic Gases
Gases rising from deep within the Earth are fueling the world's highest-known microbial ecosystems, which have been detected near the rim of the 19,850-foot-high Socompa volcano in the Andes.
Two Food Additives Have Previously Unrecognized Estrogen-like Effects
Scientists in Italy are reporting development and successful use of a fast new method to identify food additives that act as so-called "xenoestrogens" -- substances with estrogen-like effects that are stirring international health concerns.
Why Didn’t Darwin Discover Mendel’s Laws?
Mendel solved the logic of inheritance in his monastery garden with no more technology than Darwin had in his garden at Down House. So why couldn't Darwin have done it too?
Atomic Nucleus With Halo: Scientists Measure Size Of One-Neutron Halo With Lasers
Atomic nuclei are normally compact structures defined by a sharp border. About twenty-five years ago, it was discovered that there are exceptions to this picture: Certain exotic atomic nuclei contain particles that shear off from the central core and create a cloud