Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cold fusion debate heats up again
Researchers at a meeting in the US claim renewed evidence for the long-discredited idea of fusion at room temperature.

Astronauts fail to budge stuck cargo carrier

The key to energy independence: Go fly a kite!

Stranded whales returned to sea off SW Australia
Eleven long-finned pilot whales were returned to sea Tuesday after surviving a mass stranding on a remote southwest Australian beach, but they appeared disoriented and were trying to return to shore, an official said.

Gang of Juvenile Dinosaurs Discovered
Three juvenile Triceratops, a species thought to be solitary, died together in a flood and now have been found in a 66 million-year-old bone bed in Montana, lending more evidence to the idea that teen dinosaurs were gregarious gangsters.

Tennis Player Sarah Gronert Born With Male And Female Genitalia
Female tennis player born with male and female genitalia is competing in the WTA. Some say her competing against women should be disqualified since she has an unfair advantage. Sarah Gronert had an operation to remove the genitalia.

Shining Solar Beacon Lights the Way for the Weary Traveler
Avid skiers may soon find a shining new example of sustainable shelter on their next trip to the Swiss Alps. The Monte Rosa Hut, developed by the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) and winner of Holcim Awards Bronze 2008 Europe, is an alpine shelter that uses state of the art technology