Saturday, June 7, 2008

NASA appointees suppressed climate data

WASHINGTON — Political appointees at NASA headquarters deliberately downplayed scientific evidence documenting global warming for political reasons for more than a year, the agency's watchdog reported Monday. Kevin Winters, NASA's assistant inspector general for investigations, outlined his findings in a 93-page report evaluating allegations that the agency's public affairs specialists suppressed climate change science and denied National Public Radio access to Dr. James Hansen, a NASA scientist.

Winters said his investigation found that NASA headquarters' public affairs specialists "managed the topic of climate change in a manner that reduced, marginalized, or mischaracterized climate change science made available to the general public" from fall 2004 through early 2006. Investigators, who interviewed 59 witnesses and reviewed 10,000 pages of documents, attributed the actions to "inappropriate political posturing or advantage."

Full story HERE.